An Overview of Pharmacology of Luteolin

  • Nitesh Kumar Research Scholar, Jaipur College of Pharmacy, Jaipur
  • Divya Singh Professor, HOD, Dept of Pharmacology, Jaipur College of Pharmacy, Jaipur
  • Surbhi Jangir Associate Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, Jaipur College of Pharmacy, Jaipur
  • Rakesh Sharma Associate Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, Jaipur College of Pharmacy, Jaipur
Keywords: Luteolin


Luteolin is a Flavonoids recognized for its potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and gastro protective properties, which collectively contribute to its relevance in promoting gastric health. Luteolin is widely found in various natural sources, particularly in fruits, vegetables, and herbs.  An increasing amount of evidence suggests that Flavonoids intake may play an important role in health through regulating metabolism, weight, chronic illness, and cell proliferation.1 It  exhibits gastro protective effects by enhancing the secretion of gastric mucus and bicarbonate, which are crucial for maintaining the mucosal barrier. These combined actions not only safeguard the gastric lining against harmful substances, such as NSAIDs like aspirin, but also facilitate the recovery of the gastric mucosa following injury. Thus, Luteolin emerges as a promising natural compound for the prevention and management of gastric disorders, emphasizing its therapeutic potential in supporting gastrointestinal health.

Keywords – Luteolin, Peptic ulcer, NSAID, Gastro protective, Flavonoids.

How to Cite
Kumar, N., Singh, D., Jangir, S., & Sharma, R. (2024). An Overview of Pharmacology of Luteolin. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 13(6), 91-96.