Quantitative Estimation of Tecomin in Tecomella Undulata Bark Using HPTLC Method

  • Navneet Nagpal1*, Manisha Arora1, Sandeep Rahar1, Gaurav Swami2, Reni Kapoor3 1Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Amritsar 2CT Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jalandhar 3Akal College of Pharmacy, Mastuana Sahib, Sangroor


A new, simple, sensitive, selective, precise and robust high-performance thin-layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method for analysis of tecomin has been developed and validated for the determination of tecomin in aqueous extract of tecomella undulata bark. The analyte was extracted with methanol and applied on TLC aluminium plates along with standard using Linomat IV spray on sample applicator (CAMAG). Analysis of tecomin was performed on pre-coated TLC aluminium plates with silica gel as the stationary phase and prewashed with methanol. Linear ascending development was carried out in twin trough glass chamber saturated with mobile phase consisting of toluene: acetone: formic acid (2.5: 0.5: 0.2 v/v/v).  Spectrodensitometric scanning was performed by TLC scanner III (CAMAG) in absorbance mode at the wavelength of 221 nm. The system was found to give compact spots for tecomin (Rf value of 0.65). The method was validated for precision, specificity and recovery. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the method is reproducible and selective for the estimation of tecomin.


KEYWORDS: tecomella undulata, tecomin, HPTLC

How to Cite
Reni Kapoor3N. N. M. A. S. R. G. S. (2013). Quantitative Estimation of Tecomin in Tecomella Undulata Bark Using HPTLC Method. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(1). Retrieved from http://jbpr.in/index.php/jbpr/article/view/434
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