Comparative in vitro Tests on the Efficacy of Anti-Head-Lice Products Containing Stem Extract of Pyrethrum.

  • Dr. AR.Mullaicharam*, Moza Khalaf Mohammed Al-Matroushi. Oman Medical College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.


Head lice (Pediculushumanuscapitis) occur worldwide and go with humans in all corners of the world .Although, in general, head lice do not transmit agents of disease as it is known from body lice (Pediculushumanuscorporis), they may have considerable impact on health of humans. The anti-lice property of dried flowers of Dalmatian Chrysanthemums was reported. Pyrethrum is a botanical insecticide produced from Dalmatian Chrysanthemums. In this study the anti-lice property of dried powders of stem of Dalmatian Chrysanthemums was investigated.


KEYWORDS: Anti-lice product-stem extract of pyrethrum-carrier oils.

How to Cite
Moza Khalaf Mohammed Al-Matroushi., D. A. (2012). Comparative in vitro Tests on the Efficacy of Anti-Head-Lice Products Containing Stem Extract of Pyrethrum. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 1(3). Retrieved from
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