To Study the Mechanisms of Granule Formation in the Wet Granulation Process

  • Harshad Raundal1*, Jignesh M. Patel1, Nikita J. Rane1


Traditionally wet agglomeration processes have been considered an empirical art, with great difficulties in predicting and explaining observed behavior. Industry has faced a range of problems including poor product quality control, large recycle ratios, surging and even the total failure of scale up from laboratory to full scale production. However, in recent years there has been a rapid advancement in our understanding of the fundamental processes that control product properties and granulation behavior. This review critically assesses the current understanding of the of wet granulation processes. This review focuses on wetting and nucleation followed by binder delivery and binder dispersion. It also focus on the challenge that now faces us is to transfer these theoretical developments into industrial practice. Standard, reliable methods need to be developed to measure the formulation properties that control granulation behavior. There also needs to be a better understanding of the mixing behavior, flow patterns and impact velocities in different types of granulation equipment.

Keywords: Granulation, nucleation, wetting, granule formation, traditional methods

Author Biography

Harshad Raundal1*, Jignesh M. Patel1, Nikita J. Rane1

1 Pravara Rural College of Pharmacy, Rahata, District Ahmednagar, Loni Bk., Maharashtra 413736, India.

How to Cite
Nikita J. Rane1H. R. J. M. P. (2017). To Study the Mechanisms of Granule Formation in the Wet Granulation Process. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(2). Retrieved from
Review Articles