UV-Visible spectrophotometric detection of Solanum aethiopicumhexanic and n-butanolic excerpts and their anticancer activity monitored by flow cytometry and microscopy

  • Kouassi K. Christian1*, Sorokina E. Anatolievna2, Mamyrbékova-B. Akhanovna1, Békro Yves-Alain1 1UFR-SFA,Bioorganic Chemistry and Natural Substances Laboratory, NanguiAbrogoua University 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02, Côte d’Ivoire. 2Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Department of Organic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis Laboratory, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 6 Milklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, Russia 117198.


UV-Visible Spectrophotometry (UV-Vis) is one of the most used analytical technics because of its accuracy, however, it application in phytochemicals and extracts characterization still a huge challenge even for the choice of appropriate wavelength at HPLC detector. TLC screening of Solanum aethiopicumL.(Solanaceae) hexanic and n-butanolic excerpts respectively F1, F4 has been reported but these extracts have never been characterized by UV-Vis. Likewise the study of their potential effect against cancer cells using microscopy and flow cytometry has never been performed. The aim of this work was firstly to characterize F1 and F4 by UV-Vis, find out the possible embedded phytochemicals and secondly to assess their anticancer potential. The findings show that F1 has 33 major phytocompounds detected from 176-254 nm while F4 contained 45 detected between λ 176-679 nm and mostly identified as sterols, terpenes, phenolic acids and flavonoids which may be responsible oftheiranti-proliferative effects againstJurkat cells (Leukemia cancer).

Keywords:Spectrophotometry, phytochemicals, Solanum aethiopicum excerpts, anticancer

How to Cite
Békro Yves-Alain1K. K. C. S. E. A. M.-B. A. (2016). UV-Visible spectrophotometric detection of Solanum aethiopicumhexanic and n-butanolic excerpts and their anticancer activity monitored by flow cytometry and microscopy. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 5(3). Retrieved from https://jbpr.in/index.php/jbpr/article/view/111
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